The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) staff across all sixteen regions of Ghana are threatening to withdraw validation services to public sector workers and subsequently boycott the forthcoming production of third quarter national accounts of the Consolidated Fund, over nonpayment of Special Duty Allowance (SDA) and other administrative issues.
In a latest petition dated October 11, 2022 intercepted by Starr News, the aggrieved staff stated that “Our petition has become necessary following the worsening conditions of all CAGD staff and failure on the part of leadership to prioritize our welfare. We are by this calling on management to address these issues within fourteen days failure of which we will advise ourselves including abstinence from the forthcoming production of 3rd quarter national accounts of the Consolidated Fund. No SDA, No accounts validation exercise”
According to the CAGD staff, their action has become necessary following delays in payment of the allowance at every year-end, an allowance that used to be part of staff salaries in the past.
Detailing their grievances they stated that “We, the staff of CAGD across the Sixteen Regions of Ghana hereby call upon you and your leadership to address the following issues bordering us, with immediate effect:2021 SDA be paid immediately and that of 2022 be paid by the end of the year whiles subsequent SDAs be consolidated into our monthly salaries”
Additionally, they demand that “maintenance allowances for 2021 and 1st,2nd and 3rd quarters of 2022 should, as a matter of urgency, be paid without further delay”
The angry Controller and Accountant General Department staff also want management to initiate steps to prepare and implement better salary structure to reflect what other staff in sister Departments enjoy.
The staff wants CAGD to be elevated to Authority to empower it to work independently.
“Besides ensuring efficient disbursements of public funds, the Department also withholds and pays taxes into the consolidated fund.
Steps should be initiated to make the department either a Service or Authority. This will enable the Department to ensure professionalism without undue interference”.
They are also demanding that “Transfer or posting grant for all CAGD staff be borne by the department henceforth. Management should see to the formation of a vibrant labour union for all staff of the department. This will put to rest, the perceived sabotage by CLOGSAG so far as our SDA is concerned”.
The staff also requested for quarterly and timely government of Ghana releases to all Finance Units of the District Assemblies as its being done for other Departments.
According to them, delayed releases to CAGD Regional Directorates should be addressed and the amount increased to enhance smooth administration of the offices.
They also want Chief Accountants of the Department to be placed on level 23 and ACAG moved to level 24.
The Controller and Accountant-General’s Department is mandated by the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) to: “Receive all Public and Trust monies payable into the Consolidated Fund (done through its staff stationed in all government departments including the revenue collecting ones).
Original Source: Starfm.com.gh