Fixed Asset Management Systems

  • Asset misappropriation schemes are the most common type of corporate fraud, comprising 87% of the cases reported
  • 15-30% of fixed assets are ghost assets, meaning they do not exist. Many organizations are unaware of overpayments and opportunities to cut costs
  • 35% of U.S. businesses say tax related accounting is their biggest time hurdle

Keeping track of the assets of an organization is an important task that can save money and time. Organizations have a wide range of assets that include fixed and liquid assets. It is important for an organization to manage its assets and use them to get the maximum possible returns. We have partnered with Hardcat, one of the leading fixed asset management companies in the world, to provide fixed asset management services. These include purchasing, recording, tracking using RFID technology, and integration with enterprise resource planning software, bespoke or off the shelf financial management software.

Our solution helps management:

  • Lower incidents of theft
  • Allow the company to keep track of all assets
  • Manage assets from different locations in an accurate, effective manner
  • Ensure depreciation rates are accurate
  • Save money on maintenance
  • Achieve more efficient operation
  • Allow the implementation of a risk management plan
  • Remove ghost assets from fixed asset register and inventory
  • Optimize operations that include the planning of resources use and the implementation of the management program

Our trained have been trained by Hardcat and include members who are:

  • Certified Information System Auditors
  • Chartered Accountants
  • Fixed Asset Accountants
  • Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Certified Internal Auditors